Jon Dilley

Jon Dilley has been a  meditator since 1999. He met his Buddhist teacher, Younge Khachab Rinpoche in 2003. After building a firm relationship with Khachab Rinpoche, Jon was asked to teach meditation. Since then one of Jon’s aims has been to educate and foster meditation students wherever requested.

Jon has received diverse teachings in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, including from His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. He has also received instructions on Zen and Theravada philosophy and meditation techniques. His more formal Buddhist education includes several Shedra (Buddhist University) courses. Jon regularly attends meditation retreats, including an annual ten-day long intensive silent retreat with this teacher Younge Khachab Rinpoche.

Jon  teaches online learning and attends group retreats, as well as serving as the Vice-President of the Younge Drodul Ling Board of Directors.

Jon teaches classes for all levels of meditation students, including mindfulness, insight, personal development, compassion, and Buddhist philosophy.

Our mission is to inspire practitioners to not only learn about the benefits of meditation but to make the practices their own and embrace a more thoughtful and compassionate way of thinking.


Upcoming Programs by Jon Dilley

DharmaWeb: Online Meditation Circle

Also With Greg Patenaude

Open Dates
Online meditation group